Tanking have the merc or homun tank for you or another player, or to mob for its own AoE. Sniping homunculus can use attack skills on a different monster than it s currently fighting, to avoid wasting sp on a monster that s already half dead, or to aggro monsters.

Idle walk have your merc or homun roam around you when there s nothing else for it to do. Automatically use skills: o Offensive skills for homun and homun S, including debuffs o Pushback skills like Skid Trap and Arrow Repel o Anti-mob skills depending on number of targets (configurable) o Self-buff skills will not try to recast buffs incorrectly after teleport o Provoke / Painkiller / Sacrifice on owner o Healing skills, on owner and self (for chaotic blessings) o Castling to get monsters off owner, or even to move around the map Friend other players so your homunculus or mercenary defends them o Mercenary and Homun automatically friended if both out at once o Cross and Circle motions when friending, like MirAI Support for multiple accounts in use simultaneously o Merc/homun autofriending not broken with multiple accounts o Buff timers not confused by using multiple accounts o Framework for supporting different configurations for different accounts.
#Ai folder ragnarok download full#
Features: Easy to use GUI Configuration Utility Default configuration works for most players with no or minimal configuration changes Full support for Homunculus S system.

1 Azzy AI v 1.50 An advanced and comprehensive AI for use with the Mercenary and Homunculus systems in Ragnarok Online.